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Creating a Tech-Healthy Family
Module #1: Welcome Students
Lesson 1: Welcome! Watch this first! (4:48)
Lesson 2: Don't Outsource the Opportunity (3:48)
Lesson 3: The Tech-Healthy Family Formula (7:02)
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Module #2: Week 1—Your Relationship with Tech as a Parent
Lesson 1: Welcome! (0:54)
Lesson 2: Taking Care of Yourself (3:06)
Lesson 3: Who's in the Driver's Seat—You or Your Phone? (1:29)
Lesson 4: Let Go (of Guilt) and Lead (3:06)
Lesson 5: The Power in Your Pocket (3:20)
Lesson 6: Healthy Tech Habit Hacks (9:18)
Lesson 7: Emotions Over Emoji's (4:47)
Lesson 8: Time-Outs for Tech-Neck (5:21)
Lesson 9: Ditch Digital Distractions—Step by Step (10:47)
Lesson 10: Love in Your Home Over Likes on Your Phone—Social Media Boundaries (7:01)
Lesson 11: Screen-Free Sanctuaries & Sabbaticals (10:52)
Lesson 12: Work at Home: From Laundry to Laptop (7:33)
Module #3: Week 2—Your Relationship With Your Partner & Tech
Lesson 1: Welcome! (2:16)
Lesson 2: Clue In and Connect (3:59)
Lesson 3: Communicate with Clarity (2:43)
Lesson 4: Check the Facts (2:34)
Lesson 5: When Couples Clash (6:34)
Lesson 6: Companionship Accountability (3:40)
Lesson 7: Collaborate with Confidence (5:28)
Module #4: Week 3—Your Family's Relationship With Tech—Part 1
Lesson 1: Welcome! (4:08)
Lesson 2: Reward Your Kids with Your Time, Not Screen Time (6:46)
Lesson 3: Building Bridges of Trust (6:02)
Lesson 4: The Family Tech Report Card: A Family Screen Time Evaluation (2:34)
Lesson 5: Review the Research (5:01)
Lesson 6: Digital Dangers: Pornography, Cyberbullying, Online Predators (18:27)
Lesson 7: Persuasive Design and Your Child's Brain (7:33)
Lesson 8: Tackling Tech Time Limits with Different Ages & Stages (10:17)
Lesson 9: Is There a Way to Make Screen Time Better? (4:42)
Lesson 10: Delay and Decide on Cell Phone Readiness (7:40)
Lesson 11: Guardrails for Gaming (8:21)
Lesson 12: Safety on Social and Permission to Say Not Yet (6:27)
Module #5: Week 4—Your Family's Relationship With Tech—Part 2
Lesson 1: Welcome! (2:21)
Lesson 2: Values—Your Child's Internal Filter (6:08)
Lesson 3: Protecting Kids From Seeing What Can't Be Unseen (7:46)
Lesson 4: Your Family's Purpose and Plan (6:24)
Lesson 5: Boundaries Are Better Than Band-Aids (3:45)
Lesson 6: Avoiding Tech Tantrums (Little and Big Kids!) (5:32)
Lesson 7: Teaching and Transitioning as Kids Get Older (7:16)
Lesson 8: Screen-Free Sanity for Exhausted Parents (7:07)
Lesson 9: When Screens Have Taken Over: Reset & Repair (4:30)
Module #6: Celebrate Your Tech-Healthy Family!
Lesson 1: Celebrate! (1:44)
BONUS: Expert Calls
Being the Governor, Gardener, and Guide in the Digital Era with Kathy Keller Jones (80:57)
Helping Children Develop an Internal Filter with Kristen Jenson (102:38)
How to Monitor, Mentor, and Be Mindful with Katey McPherson (73:59)
How to Help Your Kids Turn Off the Screen and Turn to Their Family with Stacy Jagger (67:35)
Gamer to Leader with Spencer Sessions (89:01)
BONUS: Tyler Teaches Tech
How to Set Up OpenDNS on Your Home Router in 30 Minutes with Tyler Davis (23:43)
Filters, routers, and parental controls! (71:58)
Lesson 7: Emotions Over Emoji's
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